Residence Colombo Viareggio



Residence Colombo in Viareggio is 25 Km far from Pisa. It is an Italian municipality of 85,968 inhabitants, the chief town of the homonymous province in Tuscany.
Sixth municipality of Tuscany as for population, the city is located in a very populated and urbanized territory (named “Pisan area”), that together with the near municipalities of Calci, Cascina, San Giuliano Terme and Vecchiano and Vicopisano, counts about 200,000 inhabitants. Moreover, it represents a rung of the so-called “industrial triangle” formed by the municipalities of Leghorn, Pisa and Collesalvetti, whose total population is composed by over 260,000 inhabitants.
According to legend, Pisa would have been founded by some mythical Trojan refugees coming from the homonymous Greek city of Pisa, once located in the valley of the Alfeios river, in the Peloponnese.
Among the most important monuments of the city, it is worth mentioning the famous Cathedral Square, named Miracle Square and declared World Heritage, with the Cathedral built with white and colourful marbles, between 1063 and 1118, in the Pisan Romanesque style, with the bronze portal of San Ranieri built by Bonanno Pisano and the pulpit by Giovanni Pisano. In the square the leaning Tower rises with its majesty. It is a bell tower of the 12th century and 56 metres high, that started leaning ten years later after its building. Today is one of the most famous monuments in the world.
In Pisa it is possible to notice the presence of at least three leant bell towers: the first and most famous just in the Cathedral Square; the second is the bell tower in the Church of San Nicola, located in via Santa Maria, in the neighbourhood of Lungarno Pacinotti; the third, located at the half of viale delle Piagge (along the river, in the East of the city), is the bell tower in the Church of San Michele degli Scalzi (in the latter the church has a strong inclination, too).
Pisa guests the most important airport of Tuscany, the “Galileo Galilei” airport that boasts national and intercontinental links.
The city is also seat of three very important university institutions in Italy and Europe, i.e.the University of Pisa, the Scuola Normale Superiore and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, as well as the Italian National Research Council and many research institutes.

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